About Only The Fresh Survive

At Only The Fresh Survive, we are more than just a streetwear brand. We are the embodiment of the original streetwear DNA from NYC, born out of our early beginnings in hip hop and sneaker culture. We are community builders with a love and adoration for original street style with an eye for clean, simple ready-to-wear sense of fashion.

Our north star when it comes to fashion is the idea of "bold," but simple. We believe in the concept of the "quiet loud," and this is even engineered into our original logo. The spacing of the lettering, as simple as they are, gives you the level of intent we go through to be simple yet distinctive. There’s also a hint of “If you know, you know” hence instead of writing our name out you’ll more often see “OTFS”.

At OTFS, quality is at the forefront of everything we do. We believe that streetwear is just the beginning of our journey into innovation. Our passion for fashion and attention to detail have allowed us to create a unique brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace.

We take pride in being more than just a clothing brand. We are a community of individuals who share a common love for fashion, music, and culture. Join us as we continue to push the boundaries of what it means to be a streetwear brand.

  • Quality Material

    Our apparel is made with meticulous attention to detail, using premium materials that are comfortable, durable, and sustainably sourced. Our skilled craftsmen utilize precise stitching and construction methods to ensure that our garments are built to last. We prioritize fit, ensuring that our clothing drapes well on the body and provides a comfortable, flattering fit for our customers.

  • OTFS Classic Designs

    We believe that true style never goes out of fashion, and our collection reflects that philosophy. From effortlessly chic silhouettes to refined and sophisticated details, our apparel classics are designed to stand the test of time. Discover the enduring beauty of classic designs and elevate your wardrobe with pieces that will remain stylish for years to come. Browse our collection and experience the timeless allure of apparel classics today!

  • Premium Feel

    We believe that clothing should not only look good but feel luxurious against your skin. Our collection is carefully curated to offer you the ultimate in comfort, quality, and sophistication. Our website provides an immersive shopping experience, with detailed product descriptions and high-resolution images that allow you to appreciate the premium textures and finishes of our clothing.

Please email us with any questions you have about us or our products at info@onlythefreshsurvive.com